Please note: The purchase/possession of the show video does not give you rights to the content except for private viewing. Posting any portion on social media, websites, etc. is strictly prohibited by copyright laws and by Xavier Theatre’s agreement with the owners of the play and the agency that grants performance rights and doing so could jeopardize future productions. DVDs, Blu-rays, and Digital Files may not be duplicated according to the agreement between Champion Video and Xavier Theatre.
2023 Christmas Stars
Choose to order a Blu-ray, Digital File, or DVD. Your video will be shipped directly to you on or before December 21st, 2023. If you order a digital file, you will receive an email with directions on how to WATCH and also DOWNLOAD your digital file. We are using a service called VidFlow for our digital file experience. VidFlow will allow you to watch your digital video on most smart devices including phones and smart TVs.2022 Christmas Stars
Choose to order a Blu-ray, Digital File, or DVD. Your video will be shipped directly to you on or before December 21st, 2022. If you order a digital file, you will receive an email with directions on how to WATCH and also DOWNLOAD your digital file. We are using a service called VidFlow for our digital file experience. VidFlow will allow you to watch your digital video on most smart devices including phones and smart TVs.2021 Christmas Stars
You can choose to order a DVD or a Blu-ray (additional fees apply). Your video will be shipped directly to you on or before December 21st, 2021. A Blu-ray disc is a High Definition Video disc that can only be played in devices such as a computer with a Blu-ray drive, a Blu-ray player, or certain gaming consoles such as a PlayStation3 or Xbox One. If you are unsure if you have a the capability to playback a Blu-ray disc, you should order the DVD.2019 Christmas Stars
You can choose to order a DVD or a Blu-ray (additional fees apply). Your video will be shipped directly to you on or before December 21st, 2019. A Blu-ray disc is a High Definition Video disc that can only be played in devices such as a computer with a Blu-ray drive, a Blu-ray player, or certain gaming consoles such as a PlayStation3 or Xbox One. If you are unsure if you have a the capability to playback a Blu-ray disc, you should order the DVD.